
Temple Beth Israel (TBI) is a center for Jewish life, embracing traditional wisdom with contemporary insight. We promote the spiritual, educational, and social well-being of our members, the Jewish people of Lane County, and the larger community.

TBI is a member of the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement. We welcome people of all Jewish backgrounds, interfaith families, and people exploring Judaism, as well as Jews and explorers of Judaism of all races and of all sexual and gender identities. Whether you are religious, cultural, atheist, agnostic, or searching, there is a place for you at TBI!

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Current & Upcoming Events

Aleph Isn't Tough book cover

Beginning Adult Hebrew Class w/Abby Gershenzon
Registration extended to Sept 11th!

Have you always wanted to know enough Hebrew to be able to read the prayers of our liturgy in the original and even understand some of the Hebrew? This 12-session class begins from the very beginning, starting with the aleph-bet, and going on to reading Hebrew as a tool to greater understanding of familiar prayers and the vocabulary of Jewish life. No prior Hebrew knowledge necessary. Minimum 5 attendees. TBI members: $140; Non-members: $200 (includes textbook).

Two tracks—in person and on Zoom. Attendees sign up for and commit to one of the tracks.

  • In-person at TBI, Sundays, 11:00 am -12:00 pm, Sept 22-Dec 15 (no class Dec 1)
  • On Zoom, Mondays, 7:30-8:30 pm, Sept 23-Dec 16 (no class Oct 7)

»  Register here by Sept 11

Hearing loop training
Sunday, Sept 15, 1:00pm

The sanctuary and social hall at Temple Beth Israel are now equipped with hearing loops, which make it very easy for people with hearing loss who wear hearing aids or have cochlear implants to clearly understand the spoken word. The training will help everyone understand what a hearing loop is and, more importantly, how to access it.

And here’s a fabulous presentation given by Juliëtte Sterkens, who is a national hearing loop advocate and presenter and also a member of our Loop Oregon steering committee at the Shedd Institute.  She explains hearing aids, t-coils and hearing loops in very simple and easy to understand language.

»  Watch this TEDx presentation

pomegranate, apples, honey and leaves on beige background

The 5785|2024 High Holy Days are Just Around the Corner!

Our first High Holy Days event is less than a month away! Come check out our High Holy Days offerings.  Do you need a lulav or a sukkah? we can get you one! Do you want to help the Sisterhood bake for Rosh Hashanah oneg? You can sign up for that too! Can’t make it to High Holy Day services in person? That’s okay! We’re streaming Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services on YouTube so you can still join us in spirit.

Erev Rosh Hashanah is Wednesday, October 2nd!

» High Holy Days 5785|2024 page can be found here!

Kommuna Lux Benefit Concert!
Sunday, Oct 13, 7:00pm, at TBI

Kommuna Lux plays joyful songs and melodies from Odesa and all Eastern Europe in spiced up arrangements. This is a benefit concert for Ukraine. Click here for their website.

» Purchase tickets soon

A gold star of david sits on top of a bible.

Miller Institute Intro to Judaism Class
Sundays, 2:00-3:30 pm, Oct 27 through March 16 (no class Dec 1, 22, or 29), in person
with Rabbi Yisraela Tubman

For anyone Jewish, Jew-ish or Jew-curious. Whether you want to learn more about your culture, are considering converting, or are eager to incorporate more Judaism into your life, the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program is for you. This nationally recognized 18-week intro course covers the essentials of Judaism, including its holidays, rituals, ideas, and traditions. Click here to see the wide array of topics that will be covered.

» Register here

TBI supports the efforts of HCAO (Health Care for All Oregon)

HCAO provides the education and advocacy that will be needed for a publicly funded healthcare system to pass the Oregon legislature.  Other faith groups, unions, and businesses have already signed on as endorsers—AFSCME public sector union locals, AFL-CIO locals, Oregon Nurses, many, many churches; over 130 organizations and businesses at last count. TBI is now a member of the Faith Caucus supporting this effort!

»  Learn more here

A painting of the land and water

Host an Oneg!

We’re looking for volunteer oneg hosts. Two or three items are all that’s needed. We know life is busy, so keep it simple.

»  Sign up here or contact the office

A wall of wooden shelves with lights above them.

Order a Yahrzeit Plaque

Yahrzeit Plaques are $300.
Please complete the fields in the form. If you would like to speak with someone first, please contact John in the office.

»  Order here

A group of people sitting around a table with food.

Community Shabbat Lunches

Lunches are held from 12:30 to 1:30pm after most Shabbat morning services! (They are not held after B’nei Mitzvah or Shabbat Alive.) For a suggested donation of $100 (to cover costs), you can sponsor a lunch in honor or in memory of someone, or to celebrate a simcha. When you sponsor, the Shabbat lunch volunteers will use your donation to purchase items and prepare the lunch.

» Donate here

A woman with curly hair wearing a scarf.
A book with a title of Kol Haneshamah kept on a table

Kol Haneshamah

Community members who do not have a printed copy of Kol Haneshamah can use these links to view or download PDF files and follow along with live-streamed services from home.

»  Daily Prayerbook
»  Shabbat Vehagim
»  Prayers for a House of Mourning

More from TBI

A clipart of a jewish table with a candle and a book.

Family Programming

Shalom, families! Temple Beth Israel has a variety of programming for all ages. There’s something for everyone!

»  See more about family programming

A black lives matter sign with the words " black lives matter ".
A brown and white geometric design with black lines.

Not Free to Desist