Get Involved!

Much of TBI’s community life is organized by lay members of the congregation, who form committees and chavurot with a variety of focuses. They raise funds for students through the Sisterhood, teach and take part in community education classes, and work as volunteers in a number of different areas. Whatever your interests, there’s a place for you to connect. Can’t find a group? Contact our office at 541.485.7218.

Want to get a taste of different aspects of TBI? Every month brings new opportunities for volunteers in our community, many of which are short-term or one-time needs. Volunteering can be a great way to meet new members of the congregation while participating in important work that helps the TBI and Eugene-area communities. Call Shirley Shiffman, Volunteer Coordinator, in the TBI office at 541.485.7218.
Committee Involvement
Have a passionate commitment to caring for the sick, honoring nature, or helping TBI create a better world? These are some of the projects in which TBI committees are currently involved. Check out the Committees page to read more details and contact committee members.

Are you looking for a small group of people with similar spiritual inclinations or family situations, with whom you can study, worship, and shmooze? Check out the Chavurot page, or contact the TBI Office to float ideas for forming a new chavurah through an announcement.

Special Skills or Interests?
Do you have a special skill or knowledge which you would like to share to help TBI or our community members? If you don’t tell us, we won’t know! Call Nina in the TBI Office at 541.485.7218, to find out how your unique abilities are needed, or could be part of future TBI projects.